Welcome to John Kennington's Web Site

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A few family Photos from 2009-2011

For more about my new art show business, see John Kennington Photography

Our Woodward Oklahoma Lesser Prairie-Chicken Festival

Some older links

Our 2008 Christmas Letter (which includes our 2206 and 2007 letters!)

Some Links about things I've been working on the last year

Photos from Bob & Joan Thorp's trip to Mynamar and Thailand

My photo essay of the Kennington home on River Road after Terry's death

My interactive Guide to Birding in Oklahoma, using Google Maps and Google Earth interfaces

My Eastern Oklahoma Catholic newspaper column on our Hiroshima Exhibit

Photos and info on Fr. Tom Doyle's visit to Tulsa

Photos and info on Dr. Jan Hoeberichts' visit to Tulsa

Photos and info on Fr. John Dear's visit to Tulsa

My discovery in Rome of an ancient mosaic hidden by the Vatican which shows Mary wearing the pallium

My site for progressive Catholic issues, Oklahoma Catholics for Life
This has further info on the controversy about Fr. Tom Doyle's denial  by the Bishop to speak
in Tulsa


2005 Family Photos  and  Our 2005 Christmas Letter

2004 Family Photos  and  Our 2004 Christmas Letter

Walter & Viola Thorp's 75th Anniversary Party, November 11, 2004

2003 Family Photos 

Thorp Family Reunion in June 2003, for Bob & Joan's 50th Anniversary
(this page will open in a new window)

John's trip to Rome in May 2003

Family Photos from 2000

Pax Christi Hiroshima Anniversary Exhibit

Visit my Web Design Page to view the web sites I manage 


HIDDEN This page was last updated on 01/07/12.