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Humphreys Lake Area

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From the 1986 edition of A Guide to Birding in Oklahoma published by the Tulsa Audubon Society. This account was updated in 2010 by Bill & Linda Adams.

Traveling south from Oklahoma City on the Bailey Turnpike, exit on US 81 and drive south to Marlow, approximately 28 miles. From Marlow drive 1.5 miles east on SH 29, then 2 miles south and 2 miles east. Lake Humphreys is an 882-acre lake. Most of the roads are all-weather; however, the dirt roads are passable only in dry weather.

In the vicinity of the lake are tall trees - pecan, elm, cottonwood, and willow--weedy fields, wood margins, oak - wooded hillsides, mud flats, creeks and sloughs. The usual birds in winter are 5 or 6 woodpeckers, Rufous-sided Towhee, Red-tailed Hawk, sparrows, ducks, Hermit Thrush, Osprey, Yellow-rumped Warbler, and Double-crested Cormorant. During summer there are White-eyed and Red-eyed vireos, Chuck-wills-widows, sparrows, Painted and Indigo buntings, Blue Grosbeaks, flycatchers, orchard and Northern orioles, Barn and Rough-winged swallows, shorebirds, herons, Summer Tanagers, and Mississippi Kites.

Uncommon or not usually recorded birds during winter are Pine Siskins, Purple Finches, Yellow-headed Blackbirds, Fox, Savannah, and Vesper sparrows, Common Loon, and Yellow-bellied Sapsucker. In spring the list includes American Redstart, Black-and-white Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Nashville warbler, and night-herons.

From Bill & Linda Adams: On Humphrey Lake, we usually drive all the residential loops on the north side of the lake. You can nearly always see deer and turkey among the houses there since people feed them. Louisiana Waterthrush, Wood Ducks and Towhee can be found on the eastern most loop than comes out on that little short road between Humphrey and Clear Creek. There’s a little wet area between the last houses and coming out on the county road. We saw an eagle in this same spot one time.

To reach this spot, from the intersection of Cason Road and Metcalf Road on the east side of the lake (small store at that corner, but it’s been closed the last couple of times we’ve been there), go west. Where the road makes a horse shoe around one tip of the lake, the very point of the horse shoe is where the road crosses this little wet area and that’s where we saw the Wood Ducks, Louisiana Waterthrush and Towhee. The road then follows the lake edge on around and becomes Area D residential.

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