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Duncan Lake

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From the 1986 edition of A Guide to Birding in Oklahoma published by the Tulsa Audubon Society. This account was partially reviewed and updated in 2007.

From the Turner Turnpike at Oklahoma City take I 35 south to the Wynnewood-Elmore City exit, about 65 miles. Follow SH 29 west for 35 miles, turn left (south) and continue 9 miles on the blacktop section-line road to an area at the base of the Duncan Lake Dam. Park at the pump house, a small brick building.

Enter the fish hatchery area on foot. Bordering this area is a juniper grove with a slough nearby. On the north side of the hatchery ponds is a swampy area containing cottonwood, elm, willow, pecan, walnut, redbud, roughleaf dogwood, hackberry and oak trees. In summer expect to see Common Yellowthroats, Lark Sparrows, orioles, Summer Tanagers, White-eyed and Bell's vireos, woodpeckers including Pileated, buntings and flycatchers. In winter search for the Hermit Thrush and Water Pipit. A Groove-billed Ani has been seen here.

Return north about 0.5 mile to the road leading to the Lake Duncan Picnic Area ("A" on map below). Follow the road around the pavilion and continue west to the first road to the left (toward the lake). Follow it to the rocky bluffs on the lake shore, then walk down the trail going to the right at the top of the bluff. This leads to a rocky slope on which grow many persimmon trees, cottonwoods, and much undergrowth. Rufous-crowned Sparrows can usually be seen during spring, summer and fall. At this high point there is a clear view of treetops below where many species of songbirds can be seen during these three seasons. They include Blue Grosbeaks, Painted and Indigo buntings, orioles, bluebirds, and Eastern and Western kingbirds.

On the lakeshore during migration Great Blue, Little Blue and Green-backed herons, egrets, and Lesser Yellowlegs can be seen. Also look for migrating ducks, geese and Sandhill Cranes. One can hope to see a Least Tern or American Avocet along the shore. Birds are found here in all seasons. A scope is necessary for identifying many of the waterfowl.

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